
The United Steelworkers offers its members the opportunity to unite to reduce the cost of their group insurance plan and obtain the best possible returns on their retirement savings, while also benefiting from the lowest possible management fees.

This was the driving force behind the creation in 1989 of the Comité des avantages sociaux métallos (CASOM) [Steelworkers Benefits Committee].

The hotel and restaurant sector has been a pioneer in this area for the United Steelworkers and has helped develop a group insurance offering tailored to tourism, hotel and restaurant workers.

The CASOM offers:

The Steelworkers Funds: an efficient investment vehicle in which management fees are kept to a minimum by pooling the investments of large numbers of people. This is an ideal tool for RRSP and TFSA investments or term deposit certificates, etc.

Group insurance pool: access to group insurance at a lower price and with stable costs.

Steelworkers Retirement Planning Service: a personalized planning service that can even include personalized services at home, in the workplace or in an advisor's office.

MonFutur (MyFuture): this program allows members to maintain insurance coverage in retirement or when the group plan ends, and does so in a way that is to employees’ advantage.

Click here to find out all you need to know about STEELWORKERS' BENEFITS.